Achieving Perfect BBQ with Internal Temperature Guidelines

  1. BBQ equipment and safety
  2. Food safety
  3. Internal temperature guidelines

Are you tired of serving undercooked or overcooked BBQ? Achieving the perfect internal temperature is the key to a delicious and safe BBQ experience. Whether you're a seasoned pitmaster or a novice backyard griller, understanding internal temperature guidelines is crucial to producing mouth-watering and safe meat. In this article, we'll dive into the ins and outs of internal temperature guidelines and how they can help you achieve the perfect BBQ every time. So grab your tongs and let's get cooking!First and foremost, let's talk about why internal temperature is so important when it comes to BBQ.

Many people make the mistake of relying on the color of the meat or their own intuition to determine if it's done. However, this can be dangerous as it's not always accurate. Using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature is the best way to ensure your meat is cooked to perfection. If you want to impress your friends and family with the perfect BBQ, then knowing the right internal temperature guidelines is crucial. Not only will it ensure that your meat is safe to eat, but it will also guarantee that it is cooked to perfection.

No more dry and overcooked meat - with the right internal temperature, you can achieve juicy and flavorful BBQ every time. So, what exactly is the ideal internal temperature for different types of meat? For beef, pork, lamb, and veal, the recommended internal temperature is 145°F (63°C) for medium-rare, 160°F (71°C) for medium, and 170°F (77°C) for well-done. For poultry, including chicken and turkey, the safe internal temperature is 165°F (74°C). And for fish, the recommended internal temperature is 145°F (63°C). It's important to note that these temperatures are for whole cuts of meat - ground meat needs to be cooked to a higher internal temperature of 160°F (71°C) to ensure safety. Now that you know the right internal temperatures for different types of meat, how do you actually measure it? The most accurate way is by using a meat thermometer.

This simple tool can be inserted into the thickest part of the meat and will give you an instant reading. Make sure to clean your thermometer after each use to avoid cross-contamination. But why is using a meat thermometer so important? Well, as mentioned earlier, relying on the color of the meat or your intuition can be dangerous. Some meats, like pork, can still have a pink color even when cooked to the recommended internal temperature. And for larger cuts of meat, like a whole chicken or a roast, the color may not be a reliable indicator of doneness.

By using a meat thermometer, you can ensure that your meat is safe to eat without having to guess. In addition to using a meat thermometer, there are some other tips and techniques you can use to achieve perfect BBQ every time. For example, letting your meat rest after cooking allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful end result. You can also experiment with different cooking methods, such as indirect heat or smoking, to add depth and complexity to your BBQ. Now that you know the importance of internal temperature when it comes to BBQ, it's time to put it into practice. Impress your friends and family with mouth-watering recipes, expert tips and techniques, and delicious sauces, sides, marinades, and rubs.

And most importantly, make sure to always use a meat thermometer to ensure your BBQ is safe and perfectly cooked. Happy grilling!First and foremost, let's talk about why internal temperature is so important when it comes to BBQ. Using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature is the best way to ensure your meat is cooked to perfection. If you want to impress your friends and family with the perfect BBQ, then you need to pay attention to internal temperature guidelines. These guidelines are essential for ensuring that your meat is not only safe to eat, but also flavorful and tender.

It's important to note that different types of meat have different internal temperature requirements, so it's crucial to do your research before grilling. One of the main reasons why internal temperature is so important is because it can prevent foodborne illnesses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cooking meat to the correct internal temperature kills harmful bacteria and reduces the risk of getting sick. This is especially crucial for poultry and pork, which are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses. But internal temperature isn't just about safety - it also affects the taste and texture of your meat. Overcooked meat can become dry and tough, while undercooked meat can be chewy and unappetizing.

By following internal temperature guidelines, you can ensure that your meat is cooked to perfection, with just the right amount of juiciness and tenderness. So, how do you know what internal temperature is best for each type of meat? The USDA has a handy chart that lists the recommended minimum internal temperatures for various types of meat:

  • Beef, pork, veal, and lamb: 145°F (63°C)
  • Poultry: 165°F (74°C)
  • Ground meats: 160°F (71°C)
  • Fish and shellfish: 145°F (63°C)
It's important to note that these are minimum temperatures, and some people may prefer their meat cooked to a higher internal temperature. For example, if you like your steak well-done, you may want to cook it to an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C) instead of the recommended 145°F (63°C).One of the biggest mistakes people make when grilling is not using a meat thermometer. Instead, they rely on the color of the meat or their own intuition to determine if it's done. Meat can appear fully cooked on the outside, but still be undercooked on the inside.

By using a meat thermometer, you can ensure that your meat is cooked to the correct internal temperature. In addition to using a meat thermometer, there are a few other tips and techniques you can use to achieve perfect BBQ. One of the most important is to let your meat rest after cooking. This allows the juices to redistribute and results in a more tender and flavorful meat. Another tip is to marinate your meat before grilling - this not only adds flavor but also helps to tenderize the meat. When it comes to food safety, it's also important to follow proper grilling techniques.

This includes keeping raw and cooked meats separate, using separate utensils for each, and washing your hands frequently. It's also important to keep your grill clean and at the correct temperature. To take your BBQ to the next level, try experimenting with different sauces, sides, marinades, and rubs. These can add an extra layer of flavor and make your BBQ truly unique. There are endless possibilities when it comes to BBQ, so don't be afraid to get creative and try new things. In conclusion, internal temperature guidelines are essential for achieving perfect BBQ.

By using a meat thermometer, following recommended internal temperatures, and using proper grilling techniques, you can ensure that your meat is not only safe to eat but also flavorful and tender. Don't forget to get creative with sauces and sides to take your BBQ to the next level. With these tips and techniques, you'll be on your way to becoming a BBQ master in no time!

3.Oil the grates

To prevent sticking, lightly oil the grates before adding the food.

Delicious BBQ Recipes

No BBQ is complete without some delicious recipes. Here are a few to try out:


Pork is safe to eat when the internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C) for medium or 160°F (71°C) for well-done.

It is important to always use a meat thermometer to ensure that pork is cooked to the correct temperature, as undercooked pork can pose a risk for foodborne illness.

Fish and Seafood

Fish and seafood are great options for a BBQ, but it's important to make sure they are cooked to the correct internal temperature for safety. According to the USDA, fish and seafood should reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) before being considered safe to eat.

1.Classic BBQ Sauce

Mix together ketchup, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and your choice of spices for a classic BBQ sauce that pairs well with any type of meat.

4.Don't leave food out too long

use HTML structure with Don't leave food out too long only for main keywords and Perishable foods should not be left out for more than two hours. If the temperature is above 90°F, this time decreases to one hour. do not use "newline character"

4.Coffee Dry Rub

Mix together ground coffee, brown sugar, chili powder, and garlic powder for a unique dry rub that adds a rich flavor to beef or pork.

1.Wash your hands

Always wash your hands before and after handling raw meat.

This is a crucial step in food safety, as it helps prevent the spread of harmful bacteria from raw meat to other foods or surfaces. Use warm water and soap to thoroughly clean your hands for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to also clean any utensils, cutting boards, or surfaces that come into contact with raw meat. This simple step can greatly reduce the risk of foodborne illness and keep your BBQ safe and enjoyable for everyone.


Poultry, such as chicken and turkey, should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) for safety reasons.

This ensures that any harmful bacteria are killed and the meat is safe to eat. It's important to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the poultry, as it can be difficult to tell just by looking at the color of the meat. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, avoiding any bones, and wait for the reading to stabilize. If it reads 165°F (74°C) or higher, your poultry is ready to be served! Remember, undercooked poultry can lead to foodborne illnesses, so it's better to err on the side of caution and cook it to the recommended temperature.

Now that you know how to properly cook poultry, let's move on to some delicious recipes and tips for grilling it to perfection.

2.Keep the lid closed

When it comes to achieving the perfect BBQ, one of the key factors is keeping the lid closed. This may seem like a simple task, but it can make a big difference in the outcome of your food. By keeping the lid closed, you are able to retain heat and evenly cook your food.

This helps to ensure that all parts of your food are cooked properly and at the same time. Opening the lid too often can cause fluctuations in temperature and result in unevenly cooked food. Of course, there will be times when you need to open the lid to flip or check on your food. Just be sure to limit these instances and keep the lid closed as much as possible.

This will help you achieve that perfectly cooked BBQ every time.

4.Use a meat thermometer

When it comes to cooking meat, accuracy is key. And the best way to ensure that your meat is cooked to perfection is by using a meat thermometer. Meat thermometers are essential tools for any BBQ master. They allow you to accurately measure the internal temperature of your meat, ensuring that it is cooked to the right level of doneness. But why is using a meat thermometer so important? Well, cooking meat to the correct internal temperature is crucial for both food safety and taste. Undercooking can lead to foodborne illnesses, while overcooking can result in tough, dry meat. So, make sure you have a good quality meat thermometer on hand before firing up your grill.

Trust us, your friends and family will thank you for it.

1.Preheat your grill

When it comes to achieving the perfect BBQ, preheating your grill is a crucial step that should not be overlooked. Not only does it ensure even cooking, but it also prevents your food from sticking to the grates. Preheating your grill allows for the surface to reach the desired temperature before adding your food. This is important because if you place your food on a cold grill, it will take longer to cook and may result in unevenly cooked food. Additionally, preheating helps to burn off any residue or bacteria that may be present on the grill, ensuring a safe and hygienic cooking environment. To preheat your grill, simply turn it on and let it heat up for about 10-15 minutes.

The exact time may vary depending on the type of grill you have, but you can use this time to prep your food and get everything else ready for grilling. Once your grill is preheated, you can start cooking your food with confidence, knowing that it will cook evenly and release easily from the grates.

1.Honey Garlic Chicken Skewers

To achieve the perfect BBQ, marinating your chicken is key. For our honey garlic chicken skewers, start by combining honey, soy sauce, minced garlic, and olive oil in a bowl. Mix well until the ingredients are fully incorporated. Next, add your chicken pieces to the marinade and let it sit for at least 30 minutes in the fridge. This will allow the flavors to penetrate the chicken and make it tender and juicy. After marinating, skewer the chicken pieces and preheat your grill to medium-high heat.

Grill the skewers for 8-10 minutes on each side, making sure to rotate them for even cooking. Using a meat thermometer, check the internal temperature of the chicken. It should reach 165°F for safe consumption. Once done, take the skewers off the grill and let them rest for a few minutes before serving.

Beef and Lamb

When it comes to achieving the perfect BBQ, knowing the internal temperature guidelines for your beef and lamb is crucial. Whether you prefer medium-rare, medium, or well-done, there are specific temperatures you should aim for to ensure your meat is cooked to perfection.

For medium-rare beef and lamb, the internal temperature should be around 135°F (57°C). This will give you a juicy and tender result that is still slightly pink in the middle. If you prefer your meat to be more cooked, aim for a temperature of 145°F (63°C) for a medium doneness. And for those who like their meat well-done, a temperature of 160°F (71°C) is recommended.

It's important to note that the internal temperature of your meat will continue to rise a few degrees while it rests. So if you want a medium-rare steak, take it off the grill when it reaches around 130°F (54°C) and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the temperature to reach the desired 135°F (57°C) while also allowing the juices to redistribute for maximum flavor.

2.Keep raw meat separate

To prevent cross-contamination, it's important to keep raw meat separate from other foods when grilling. This means using separate cutting boards, plates, and utensils for handling raw meat.

By doing this, you can avoid any potential spread of harmful bacteria from the raw meat to other foods. It's also important to make sure that raw meat is stored below any ready-to-eat foods in the refrigerator to prevent any juices from dripping onto other foods. This can happen when storing raw meat on the top shelf, which can lead to cross-contamination. When grilling, it's a good idea to use separate tongs and spatulas for handling raw and cooked meats.

This will prevent any bacteria from being transferred from the raw meat to the cooked meat.

Important Safety Information

When it comes to BBQ, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:
  • Always wash your hands before and after handling raw meat.
  • Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked meats to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Cook all meats to their recommended internal temperatures to ensure they are safe to eat. For chicken, the internal temperature should reach 165°F, while beef and pork should reach 145°F.
  • Invest in a meat thermometer to accurately check the internal temperature of your meats.
  • Keep your grill clean and free of grease build-up to prevent flare-ups.
  • Never leave your grill unattended, especially when children or pets are around.
By following these safety guidelines, you can enjoy a delicious and safe BBQ with your loved ones.

Tips for Grilling Success

Now that you know about internal temperature guidelines, let's talk about some tips and techniques for grilling. These will help you achieve the perfect BBQ every time:
  • Preheat your grill: Before placing any food on the grill, make sure to preheat it for at least 15-20 minutes.

    This ensures that the grill is at the right temperature for cooking.

  • Use direct and indirect heat: Direct heat is best for foods that cook quickly, such as burgers and steaks. Indirect heat is better for larger cuts of meat or foods that need to cook longer.
  • Oil your grates: To prevent food from sticking, lightly oil the grates before placing the food on the grill.
  • Marinate your meat: Marinating your meat not only adds flavor but also helps keep it moist and tender while grilling.
  • Don't flip too often: Resist the urge to constantly flip your food. Let it cook on one side for a few minutes before flipping to the other side.
  • Use a thermometer: To ensure your food is cooked to the correct internal temperature, use a thermometer. This will also prevent overcooking.

3.Citrus Marinade

When it comes to achieving the perfect BBQ, a good marinade can make all the difference.

And what better way to add a burst of flavor and tenderness to your meats than with a delicious citrus marinade? Here's how you can create your own mouth-watering citrus marinade for chicken or fish. Combine orange juice, lime juice, olive oil, honey, garlic, and your choice of herbs, such as rosemary or thyme, in a bowl. Mix well and pour over your desired meat. Let it marinate for at least an hour before grilling for maximum flavor.

The combination of tangy citrus and savory herbs will surely impress your friends and family at your next BBQ. Plus, with the added moisture from the marinade, your meats will come out juicy and tender every time. So don't forget to try this delicious citrus marinade for your next BBQ!

3.Use a clean plate

Use a clean plateOne of the most important things to remember when grilling is to always use a clean plate for cooked meat. This may seem like a simple step, but it is crucial for food safety.

When you place raw meat on a plate, it can leave behind harmful bacteria that can contaminate your cooked meat. By using a clean plate for cooked meat, you are preventing cross-contamination and ensuring that your food is safe to eat. This is especially important when it comes to BBQ, as the high temperatures of grilling can sometimes cause bacteria to grow more quickly.

2.Grilled Shrimp with Mango Salsa

For a delicious and impressive BBQ dish, look no further than grilled shrimp with mango salsa. This mouth-watering combination of flavors is sure to impress your friends and family. To make this dish, start by threading your shrimp onto skewers. This will make it easier to handle on the grill and prevent them from falling through the grates. Next, brush the shrimp with a mixture of melted butter, minced garlic, and chili powder.

This will give the shrimp a rich, savory flavor with a hint of spice. Now it's time to grill the shrimp. Cook them for 3-4 minutes on each side, until they are pink and slightly charred. To ensure that the shrimp is cooked to perfection, use an internal thermometer to check the temperature. The internal temperature should reach 145°F to ensure that the shrimp is safe to eat. Once the shrimp is cooked, serve it with a fresh mango salsa.

This sweet and tangy salsa is the perfect accompaniment to the grilled shrimp. To make the salsa, simply dice fresh mango, red onion, and jalapeno pepper. Mix them together in a bowl with some lime juice, cilantro, and salt. With this dish, you'll not only impress your guests with your grilling skills but also your knowledge of internal temperature guidelines for food safety. So fire up the grill and get ready to become a BBQ master!

The Perfect Temperature for Different Types of Meat

Different types of meat require different internal temperatures to be considered safe to eat.

Here are some general guidelines to follow:For beef, the internal temperature should reach 145°F for medium rare, 160°F for medium, and 170°F for well done. For pork, the recommended temperature is 145°F for medium rare and 160°F for medium. Chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F to ensure safety. For fish, the temperature should reach 145°F, while ground meats should be cooked to 160°F.

It's important to use a meat thermometer to accurately measure the internal temperature and ensure that your meat is safe to eat.

Sauces, Sides, Marinades, and Rubs

Finally, let's talk about some tasty sauces, sides, marinades, and rubs to take your BBQ to the next level:When it comes to BBQ, the perfect sauce can make all the difference. Whether you prefer a tangy vinegar-based sauce or a sweet and smoky BBQ sauce, there are endless options to choose from. One of our favorite recipes is a homemade bourbon BBQ sauce that adds a rich and flavorful kick to any meat. But let's not forget about the sides! No BBQ is complete without some delicious side dishes to complement the main course. From classic coleslaw to grilled corn on the cob, there are plenty of options to choose from.

And don't be afraid to get creative with your sides – grilled fruit skewers or stuffed peppers are sure to impress your guests. Marinades are another key component to achieving the perfect BBQ. They not only add flavor but also help tenderize the meat. For a simple and flavorful marinade, mix together olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and your favorite herbs and spices. Let your meat marinate for at least 30 minutes before grilling for maximum flavor. And of course, we can't forget about rubs.

Rubs are a great way to add flavor and texture to your meat. Whether you prefer a dry rub or a wet rub, there are endless combinations to try. One of our favorites is a coffee and chili dry rub that adds a bold and smoky flavor to any meat.

3.Citrus Marinade

To add a burst of flavor to your BBQ, try our mouth-watering citrus marinade. Simply combine orange juice, lime juice, olive oil, honey, garlic, and your choice of herbs for a delicious marinade for chicken or fish.

This marinade is perfect for adding a zesty and tangy taste to your BBQ dishes. Your guests will be impressed by the unique and refreshing flavors of this marinade. So go ahead and give it a try - you won't be disappointed!

4.Don't leave food out too long

When it comes to BBQ, food safety is key. One important guideline to remember is to not leave perishable foods out for more than two hours. If the temperature outside is above 90°F, this time decreases to one hour.

This is because bacteria grow rapidly in warm temperatures, putting you and your guests at risk for foodborne illness. To ensure that your BBQ is not only delicious but also safe, be sure to keep track of how long your food has been sitting out. If it has been out for longer than the recommended time, it's best to discard it and start fresh.

3.Use a clean plate

When it comes to food safety, one of the most important things to remember is to always use a clean plate when handling cooked meat. It may be tempting to just use the same plate that held the raw meat, but this can actually be very dangerous. Raw meat contains bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses if it's not cooked properly. If you put cooked meat back on the same plate, there is a high chance that these bacteria will contaminate the cooked meat and make it unsafe to eat. To avoid this risk, make sure to have a separate plate for cooked meat.

This will prevent any cross-contamination and ensure that your BBQ is safe for everyone to enjoy. It's a simple step that can make a big difference in keeping your friends and family healthy. So next time you're grilling up some delicious BBQ, remember to use a clean plate and keep your loved ones safe. Trust us, they'll thank you for it!

2.Grilled Corn on the Cob

Grilled corn on the cob is a classic side dish for any BBQ, and it's surprisingly easy to make. The key is to brush the corn with melted butter and sprinkle it with salt and pepper before grilling.

This will give it a deliciously rich and savory flavor that will perfectly complement your main course. To prepare the corn, start by shucking it and removing the silk. Then, brush each ear of corn with melted butter. Don't be afraid to be generous with the butter - it will help keep the corn moist and add flavor. Next, sprinkle salt and pepper over the corn, making sure to cover all sides. Now it's time to grill! Place the corn on a preheated grill, rotating occasionally to ensure even cooking.

Grill for 10-12 minutes, or until the kernels are tender and slightly charred. The rotating will prevent any burning and ensure that all sides are evenly cooked. Once done, remove the corn from the grill and let it cool for a few minutes before serving. You can also add some extra butter or seasoning if desired. Your guests will love the simplicity and deliciousness of this grilled corn on the cob, and you'll love how easy it is to make!

2.Grilled Corn on the Cob

Grilling corn on the cob is a staple for any BBQ, and it's surprisingly easy to make.

To start, brush the corn with melted butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. This will give it a deliciously rich and savory flavor. Next, place the corn on the grill and cook for 10-12 minutes, rotating occasionally. This will ensure that each side gets perfectly charred and cooked through. Once done, remove the corn from the grill and let it cool for a few minutes before serving. The result? A mouth-watering side dish that will have your guests begging for seconds.

The Perfect Temperature for Different Types of Meat

Different types of meat require different internal temperatures to be considered safe to eat.

Here are some general guidelines to follow:Beef: For a medium-rare steak, the internal temperature should be around 135°F. For a well-done steak, aim for 160°F. Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F to ensure all bacteria is killed.


To ensure safety, pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F. However, if you prefer your pork well-done, aim for 160°F.


The internal temperature for chicken and turkey should reach 165°F to avoid any risk of foodborne illness.


Fish and shellfish should be cooked until their flesh is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.

The internal temperature will vary depending on the type and thickness of the seafood, but a general guideline is around 145°F.Remember to always use a meat thermometer to accurately measure the internal temperature of your meat. This will ensure that your BBQ is not only delicious, but also safe to eat. Happy grilling!

Sauces, Sides, Marinades, and Rubs

Now that you have mastered the art of achieving perfect BBQ with internal temperature guidelines, it's time to elevate your grilling game with some delicious sauces, sides, marinades, and rubs. These flavorful additions will take your BBQ to the next level and impress your friends and family even more. First, let's start with sauces.

A classic BBQ sauce is a must-have for any backyard cookout. You can buy a store-bought one or make your own by combining ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, and spices. Other popular options include honey mustard, Carolina-style mustard sauce, and spicy chipotle sauce. Next up are sides. Grilled corn on the cob, baked beans, and potato salad are all traditional BBQ sides that pair perfectly with any meat.

But why not mix it up with some grilled vegetables or a refreshing summer salad? These lighter options will balance out the richness of the meat and add some variety to your spread. Marinades are key to infusing flavor into your meats. They typically consist of an acid (like lemon juice or vinegar), oil, herbs, and spices. For a classic BBQ marinade, try mixing together soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, and garlic. Let your meats soak in the marinade for at least an hour before grilling for maximum flavor. Last but not least, rubs add an extra layer of flavor to your meats.

They are a mixture of spices and herbs that are rubbed onto the meat before grilling. You can create your own rub using a variety of spices like paprika, cumin, chili powder, and garlic powder. Or you can opt for a store-bought rub for convenience.

2.Grilled Shrimp with Mango Salsa

For a delicious and impressive BBQ dish, look no further than grilled shrimp with mango salsa. This recipe is perfect for those warm summer evenings when you want something light, flavorful, and easy to make. To start, you will need to thread your shrimp onto skewers.

Make sure to use fresh, large shrimp for the best results. Once your shrimp are on the skewers, brush them with a mixture of melted butter, minced garlic, and chili powder. This will give them a rich and slightly spicy flavor that pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the mango salsa. Next, it's time to fire up the grill. Grill the shrimp for 3-4 minutes on each side, until they are cooked through and have a nice char.

Make sure to keep an eye on them to avoid overcooking - shrimp can become tough and rubbery if left on the grill for too long. But how do you know when the shrimp are done? That's where internal temperature guidelines come in. The FDA recommends cooking shrimp to an internal temperature of 145°F to ensure they are safe to eat. Using a meat thermometer is the most accurate way to check the temperature of your shrimp - simply insert it into the thickest part of the shrimp and make sure it reads 145°F.Once your shrimp are cooked and safely at 145°F, it's time to serve them up with a fresh mango salsa. This sweet and tangy salsa is the perfect accompaniment to the smoky shrimp.

It's made with diced mango, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, and a touch of salt and pepper. Simply mix all the ingredients together and serve alongside your grilled shrimp. Not only is this dish delicious, but it's also a great way to impress your friends and family at your next BBQ. With the perfect internal temperature guidelines, you can ensure that your shrimp are cooked to perfection every time. So why not give this recipe a try and become a BBQ master?

4.Don't leave food out too long

use HTML structure with only for main keywords and for paragraphs, do not use "newline character"When it comes to BBQ, food safety is just as important as achieving the perfect internal temperature.

One key aspect of food safety is not leaving perishable foods out for too long. This means that after two hours, any perishable food should be refrigerated or discarded. However, if the temperature is above 90°F, this time decreases to only one hour. This is because higher temperatures can cause bacteria to multiply faster, increasing the risk of foodborne illness. By following these internal temperature guidelines and tips for grilling success, along with trying out some delicious recipes and keeping safety in mind, you will be well on your way to becoming a BBQ master.

So fire up that grill and get ready to impress!.

Heath Teruel
Heath Teruel

Passionate music junkie. Music junkie. Tv advocate. Award-winning beer evangelist. Lifelong web junkie.