Grilled Asparagus with Parmesan: A Delicious BBQ Side Dish

  1. BBQ sides
  2. Grilled vegetables
  3. Grilled asparagus with parmesan

Grilled asparagus with parmesan is a delicious and flavorful side dish that is perfect for any BBQ or outdoor gathering. The combination of tender, charred asparagus and salty, nutty parmesan cheese creates a mouthwatering dish that will have your taste buds dancing with delight. Whether you're grilling up some burgers, steaks, or chicken, this grilled asparagus is the perfect complement to your main course. Plus, it's a great way to add some healthy and nutritious vegetables to your meal.

In this article, we'll share our recipe for grilled asparagus with parmesan and cover all the tips and tricks you need to know to make this dish a crowd favorite. So get your grill fired up and let's dive into the world of delicious grilled vegetables!When it comes to BBQ, most people focus on meat and overlook the delicious potential of grilled vegetables. But, with the right techniques and flavors, grilled vegetables can be just as mouth-watering as any meat dish. In this article, we'll show you how to make a delicious BBQ side dish using asparagus and Parmesan cheese.

Whether you're a seasoned BBQ pro or just starting out, this recipe is sure to impress your guests and elevate your BBQ game.Grilling Techniques for AsparagusGrilling asparagus is all about timing and temperature. You want to cook it over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes, flipping it occasionally to get those perfect char marks. Asparagus cooks quickly, so be sure to keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn. The key is to get that perfect balance of crispy and tender.

Too much heat and it will burn, too little heat and it won't cook through. Another important technique for grilling asparagus is to trim off the woody ends. These tough ends are not edible and can ruin the texture of your dish. Simply hold the asparagus spear at both ends and bend until it snaps. Discard the tough end and use the remaining tender part for grilling.

Adding Flavor with Parmesan Cheese

For this recipe, we're using Parmesan cheese to add a deliciously cheesy flavor to our grilled asparagus.

You can either sprinkle it on top of the asparagus while it's grilling or mix it in with some olive oil and brush it on before serving. Both methods will result in a flavorful dish that pairs perfectly with the smoky taste of grilled asparagus. If you choose to sprinkle the Parmesan cheese on top, do so after flipping the asparagus halfway through cooking. This will ensure that the cheese doesn't burn and creates a deliciously melted and crispy topping. Alternatively, you can mix the Parmesan cheese with some olive oil and brush it on the asparagus before serving. This method will result in a slightly milder flavor but still adds a tasty kick to the dish.

In Conclusion

Grilled asparagus with Parmesan is a simple yet flavorful BBQ side dish that is sure to impress your guests.

With these grilling techniques and flavor tips, you'll have perfectly cooked and deliciously flavored asparagus every time. So next time you fire up the grill, don't forget about the potential of grilled vegetables and give this recipe a try!

Choosing the Right Asparagus

Before you start grilling, it's important to choose the right asparagus. Look for firm, bright green stalks with tightly closed tips. Avoid any that are wilted or have a strong odor.

Preparing the Asparagus

Before grilling, you'll want to trim the woody ends of the asparagus.

Simply snap off the bottom inch or so of each stalk. You can also peel the tough outer layer of the stalks with a vegetable peeler if desired.

Tips for Grilling Perfect Asparagus

To get those beautiful char marks, be sure to preheat your grill to medium-high heat. Place the asparagus on the grill in a single layer, and cook for about 5 minutes, turning occasionally. You want the asparagus to be tender but still slightly crisp.

Serving Suggestions

Use grilled asparagus with Parmesan as a delicious side dish to complement your BBQ.

You can also use it as a tasty topping for salads or pasta. For an extra burst of flavor, squeeze some fresh lemon juice on top before serving.

Adding Flavor with Parmesan Cheese

When it comes to grilled asparagus, the key to making a delicious dish is adding the right amount of flavor. And what better way to do that than with Parmesan cheese? This versatile and flavorful cheese is the perfect addition to any BBQ side dish. There are a few different ways to incorporate Parmesan into your grilled asparagus.

First, you can sprinkle grated Parmesan on top of the asparagus while it's grilling. This allows the cheese to melt and infuse the asparagus with a rich and savory flavor. Alternatively, you can mix grated Parmesan with some olive oil and brush it on the asparagus before serving. This will give the dish a nice glossy finish and add even more depth of flavor.

For an extra kick, you can also add other seasonings like garlic powder or red pepper flakes to the olive oil and Parmesan mixture. This will give your grilled asparagus a spicy and aromatic twist that will surely impress your guests. So don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with different combinations of flavors when using Parmesan cheese in your grilled asparagus recipe. Your taste buds (and your guests) will thank you! Grilled asparagus with Parmesan is a simple yet flavorful BBQ side dish that will impress your guests.

With the tips and techniques mentioned in this article, you'll be able to make perfectly grilled asparagus every time. So next time you fire up the grill, don't forget about adding some delicious vegetables to the menu.

Heath Teruel
Heath Teruel

Passionate music junkie. Music junkie. Tv advocate. Award-winning beer evangelist. Lifelong web junkie.