Grilling Corn on the Cob: Tips, Techniques, and Recipes

  1. BBQ sides
  2. Grilled vegetables
  3. Grilled corn on the cob

Grilling corn on the cob is a classic summer tradition that brings together the smoky flavors of BBQ with the sweet and tender taste of fresh corn. Whether you're planning a backyard cookout, a picnic in the park, or just looking for a delicious side dish to accompany your grilled meats, corn on the cob is always a crowd-pleaser. But grilling corn can be tricky - it's easy to end up with burnt or undercooked kernels. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide on how to grill corn on the cob, complete with tips, techniques, and mouth-watering recipes.

So, let's fire up the grill and get ready to take your BBQ sides game to the next level with perfectly grilled corn on the cob!First things first, let's talk about choosing the right corn for grilling. You want to make sure you're using fresh corn that is still in its husk. Look for ears of corn with bright green husks and plump kernels. When buying corn, it's also important to check for any holes or damage to the husks, as this can indicate that the corn is not fresh. Once you have your fresh corn, it's time to start preparing it for grilling.

Begin by peeling back the husks and removing all of the silk. Then, soak the corn in water for about 30 minutes before grilling. This will help prevent the husks from burning while the corn cooks. When it comes to grilling, there are a few different techniques you can try. The first is to grill the corn directly on the grill grates.

Make sure to turn the corn every few minutes to ensure even cooking. Another option is to wrap the corn in aluminum foil before placing it on the grill. This will help trap in moisture and create a steamy environment for the corn to cook in. Now, let's talk about sauces and sides. Grilled corn on the cob is delicious on its own, but it's even better when paired with the right sauces and sides.

Some popular choices include melted butter, garlic butter, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. You can also try brushing the corn with BBQ sauce or adding a sprinkle of your favorite herbs and spices. For sides, you can't go wrong with classic BBQ dishes like potato salad, coleslaw, or baked beans. Grilled vegetables, such as zucchini, peppers, and onions, also make a great addition to your grilled corn on the cob. When it comes to safety precautions, it's important to always use tongs when handling hot corn on the cob. And if you're using a gas grill, make sure to turn off the propane tank when you're finished grilling. In conclusion, grilling corn on the cob is a simple yet delicious dish that can be enjoyed by all.

By following these tips and techniques, you can take your grilled corn to the next level and impress your guests at your next BBQ party.

Safety Precautions

When it comes to grilling corn on the cob, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:
  • Choose high-quality corn: Make sure to select fresh, firm, and unblemished corn for grilling. This will ensure that your corn cooks evenly and is safe to eat.
  • Clean your grill: Before grilling, be sure to clean your grill grates thoroughly. This will prevent any potential bacteria from contaminating your corn.
  • Soak your corn: Soaking your corn in water for at least 30 minutes before grilling can help prevent it from burning and drying out.
  • Use long-handled tongs: When flipping your corn on the grill, be sure to use long-handled tongs to avoid getting burned by the hot grill.
  • Monitor cooking temperature: It's important to monitor the temperature of your grill to ensure that your corn is cooking at a safe temperature.

    The ideal temperature for grilling corn on the cob is between 350-400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Grilling Techniques

When it comes to grilling corn on the cob, there are several techniques you can use to achieve perfectly cooked and flavorful corn. Here are some methods you can try:
  • Direct Heat: This is the most common method for grilling corn on the cob. Simply place the corn directly on the grill and rotate it every few minutes until it is evenly charred.
  • Indirect Heat: For a more gentle cooking method, you can use indirect heat by placing the corn on the cooler side of the grill. This allows the corn to cook more slowly and evenly without becoming overly charred.
  • Foil Packet: Wrapping the corn in foil with some butter and seasonings before grilling is a great way to infuse flavor and keep the corn moist while cooking.
  • Husk On: Grilling corn with the husks still on is another popular method.

    Soak the corn in water for about 15 minutes before grilling to prevent the husks from burning.

Choosing the Perfect Corn

When it comes to grilling corn on the cob, choosing the right corn is crucial. You want to make sure that the corn is fresh and of good quality to ensure the best taste and texture. Here are some tips for selecting the perfect corn for grilling:
  • Look for fresh, bright green husks: The husks should be tightly wrapped around the corn and have a bright green color. Avoid corn with dry or brown husks as it may not be as fresh.
  • Check for plump kernels: Gently peel back a small section of the husk to check the kernels.

    They should be plump and tightly packed together.

  • Avoid corn with large, visible gaps between kernels: This can be a sign that the corn is not as fresh and may result in a less flavorful and tender grilled corn.
By following these tips, you'll be sure to pick out the perfect corn for grilling and impress your guests at your next BBQ party!

Sauces and Sides

No BBQ is complete without some tasty sauces and sides to accompany your grilled corn on the cob. Here are some delicious options to consider:
  • Butter and Herbs: This classic combination is always a hit. Simply mix softened butter with your favorite herbs, such as parsley, thyme, and garlic, and slather it on your corn for a burst of flavor.
  • Cheese and Spices: For a more savory option, try grilling your corn with some grated parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of chili powder or cayenne pepper for some heat.
  • Creamy Avocado: Mash up some ripe avocados with lime juice, cilantro, and a pinch of salt for a creamy and refreshing topping for your corn.
  • Salsa and Guacamole: Take your grilled corn to the next level by topping it with some homemade salsa or guacamole. The combination of fresh vegetables and spices will add an extra kick to your corn.
No matter which sauce you choose, don't forget about the sides! Some great options to pair with your grilled corn on the cob include:
  • Grilled Vegetables: Keep the BBQ theme going by grilling up some zucchini, bell peppers, and onions alongside your corn for a colorful and flavorful side dish.
  • Baked Beans: The sweet and tangy flavors of baked beans complement the smoky flavors of grilled corn perfectly.
  • Macaroni Salad: This classic BBQ side dish is always a crowd-pleaser.

    The creamy pasta salad pairs well with the sweetness of grilled corn.

  • Coleslaw: Another classic BBQ side dish, coleslaw adds a crunch and tangy flavor to balance out the sweetness of grilled corn.
Grilled corn on the cob is a must-have at any BBQ party. With the right techniques, sauces, and sides, you can elevate this simple dish and impress your guests. Just remember to choose fresh corn, try different grilling techniques, and have fun experimenting with different sauces and sides. Happy grilling!.

Heath Teruel
Heath Teruel

Passionate music junkie. Music junkie. Tv advocate. Award-winning beer evangelist. Lifelong web junkie.