Smoked Salt Rub for Portobello Mushrooms: A Delicious Twist for Your BBQ

  1. BBQ rubs
  2. Vegetarian rubs
  3. Smoked salt rub for portobello mushrooms

If you're a vegetarian looking to add some flavor to your BBQ, look no further! We have the perfect twist for your portobello mushrooms that will have your taste buds dancing. Introducing our delicious smoked salt rub for portobello mushrooms, a must-try for any BBQ enthusiast. Whether you're grilling up a tasty veggie burger or enjoying a full spread of grilled veggies, this rub is sure to elevate your BBQ experience. In this article, we'll dive into the world of BBQ rubs and vegetarian options, giving you the perfect combination of flavors and spices for your next cookout.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to indulge in the mouthwatering flavors of our smoked salt rub for portobello mushrooms. First and foremost, let's talk about the basics of grilling. When it comes to grilling portobello mushrooms, it's important to use medium-high heat and a well-oiled grill. This will prevent sticking and ensure a perfect char on your mushrooms. Next, let's dive into the main event - the smoked salt rub. Made with a combination of smoked salt, garlic powder, paprika, and other herbs and spices, this rub adds a delicious smoky flavor to your mushrooms.

Simply rub it onto both sides of your portobello mushrooms before grilling for an extra burst of flavor. But don't stop there - you can also use this rub on other veggies such as zucchini, peppers, and eggplant for a well-rounded vegetarian BBQ spread. Trust us, your taste buds will thank you. This article is part of the Silo BBQ rubs / Vegetarian rubs, so let's explore how this smoked salt rub fits in perfectly. Are you tired of the same old BBQ recipes? Looking to add some new flavors to your vegetarian BBQ options? Look no further than a delicious smoked salt rub for portobello mushrooms. This flavorful rub will take your BBQ game to the next level and leave your guests begging for more. Not only does it add a unique smoky flavor, but it also enhances the natural flavors of the portobello mushrooms.

The combination of smoked salt, garlic powder, and paprika adds a depth of flavor that will have everyone coming back for seconds. When using this smoked salt rub, it's important to note that a little goes a long way. The intense flavor of the smoked salt can easily overpower the mushrooms if too much is used. So, be sure to use it sparingly and adjust to your taste. As mentioned before, this rub is not limited to just portobello mushrooms. It can be used on a variety of vegetables such as zucchini, peppers, and eggplant.

The smoky flavor pairs well with any grilled vegetable and adds a nice twist to the traditional BBQ spread. In conclusion, the smoked salt rub for portobello mushrooms is a delicious addition to any BBQ menu. It's easy to use, adds incredible flavor, and can be used on a variety of vegetables. So next time you fire up the grill, be sure to try out this mouth-watering rub and take your BBQ game to the next level.

The Ultimate Smoked Salt Rub Recipe

Are you ready to take your BBQ game to the next level? Look no further than this mouth-watering smoked salt rub for portobello mushrooms. With just a few simple ingredients, you can add a delicious twist to your BBQ menu.

This rub is perfect for vegetarians looking for new flavors and will leave your guests begging for more. Get ready to impress with this ultimate smoked salt rub recipe.


- 1 tablespoon smoked salt - 1 teaspoon garlic powder - 1 teaspoon paprika - 1 teaspoon dried herbs (such as thyme, oregano, or rosemary) - 1/2 teaspoon black pepper Instructions: 1.In a small bowl, mix together all ingredients until well combined.
2.Rub the mixture onto both sides of your portobello mushrooms.

3.Grill over medium-high heat for about 5-7 minutes per side, or until tender and charred to your liking.

Tips for Grilling Like a Pro

To get the perfect char on your portobello mushrooms, follow these simple tips:1.Choose the right mushroomsWhen selecting portobello mushrooms for grilling, make sure to choose ones that are firm and have a nice dome shape. Avoid any that are bruised or have soft spots.

2.Clean and prep the mushrooms

Before grilling, make sure to clean the mushrooms by wiping them with a damp cloth or brushing off any dirt. Remove the stems and use a spoon to gently scrape out the gills on the underside of the mushroom.

3.Season with the smoked salt rub

Generously coat both sides of the mushrooms with the smoked salt rub, making sure to cover all areas evenly. This will add a delicious smoky flavor to your mushrooms.

4.Preheat your grill

Make sure your grill is preheated to medium-high heat before adding the mushrooms.

This will ensure that they cook evenly and develop a nice char.

5.Grill for the right amount of time

Cook the mushrooms for about 5-6 minutes on each side, until they are tender and have nice grill marks. With these tips, you'll be grilling portobello mushrooms like a pro in no time. Enjoy!In conclusion, a smoked salt rub for portobello mushrooms is a must-try for any vegetarian BBQ enthusiast. With its smoky and savory flavor, it's sure to be a hit at your next cookout. So next time you fire up the grill, don't forget to add this delicious rub to your menu.

Happy grilling!.

Heath Teruel
Heath Teruel

Passionate music junkie. Music junkie. Tv advocate. Award-winning beer evangelist. Lifelong web junkie.